Welcome to HelpShedtheFaith.com

Providing answers to your tough questions about religion.

  • Do you lean on God when the going gets tough?

  • Do you stand up for the tenets of your faith, even when it isn't easy to do so?

  • Do you strive to live a godly life, and constantly seek ways to grow closer to God?

  • Do you love God with fierce devotion? With uncertainty?

  • When faced with questions that cannot be answered, do you turn to God for guidance?

  • Do you experience guilt and regret, and seek repentance, after committing a sin?

  • Are you eager to gain a deeper understanding of the world around us?

  • Do you believe that humans have limited understanding, and that only God holds all the answers?

  • Do you ever face doubts about your faith, searching high and low for answers to your questions?

HelpShedtheFaith is your straight-talking resource for answers to the queries listed above, and many more.

We address a wide range of topics, from the benefits of religion and the origins of spirituality and life, to the characteristics of organised religion and spiritual leaders, to the unintended consequences of dogmatic adherence to traditional beliefs.

Access the different sections through the MENU on the left.

For frequently asked questions about this site, check out the FAQ section.

Read about our aims on the Philosophy page.

To get an idea of who we are and where we’re coming from, read a bit about our founder’s background in the About Us section.

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