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About this site
  • FAQ
    What issues do we cover? Who are our visitors? What do we ask and why?

  • Philosophy
    Providing a safe, intelligent environment for genuine, tough questions.

  • About us
    Who we are and why we care.

  • Contact
    Email us your questions, thoughts & suggestions.

  • Terms & conditions

  • Site map
    Complete map of sections and links.

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Religion and its institutions
  • Personal prayer
    What do we pray about? How does prayer affect us psychologically?
    How our connection with God enhances our psychological wellbeing.

  • Praying for others
    Benefits of group prayer, altruism and social bonds.
    How we lift the spirits of those around us.

  • Community
    How do shared beliefs and interactions between members promote harmony?
    How do we demonstrate our loyalty to loved ones through religion?
    Addressing social needs with study groups, services, and community outreach.

  • Rituals
    Why we sing, dance, pray, share testimonials, lead discussions, speak in tongues, make predictions, claim God's gifts, proselytise, and plan events.
    Activities that lead you outside your comfort zone.

  • Attendance
    How believers and institutions benefit from regular attendance.
    Why people are sometimes reluctant to attend, and how they overcome this.
    Why some believers attend services faithfully, and others do not.

  • Religious texts
    How do ancient religious texts stay relevant, influence us, and attract steady streams of followers?
    Why the scriptures are such an enduring source of inspiration.

  • Tithing
    Why the system of tithing is psychologically satisfying and beneficial.
    Giving back to God in tangible ways.

  • Tradition
    Why do we take religion seriously? What do we expect from institutions that are rich in history and advocate traditional values?
    Why we crave stability from our religious institutions.

  • Authority
    Why do we need leaders? What makes a good leader? Where do their insights come from and how do they develop their skills? How do leaders get their faith?
    What we learn from our spiritual leaders.

  • Institutions
    What is an institution? How does it depend on its followers? How do institutions attract devotees?
    Responsibilities borne by institutions that represent God.

  • Technology
    In what ways do we associate technology with God's power? How can it help us control our environment? Can technology bring us closer to God?
    How religious institutions harness technology to engage and attract followers.

  • Material wealth
    What are our attitudes towards money in a religious context?
    How do we justify disparities in wealth, when God made us all equal?
    Why material wealth is a blessing from God, not a curse.

  • Blind faith
    Have you experienced God's power directly? Have you physically experienced God's presence? Do you 'just know' deep down in your heart that God is real?
    Knowing deep down that God is real.

  • Human suffering
    Where does human suffering come from? Can moral codes change over time?
    Why does evil exist? Why doesn't God just get rid of the devil?!

  • Unspoken maxims
    Why are some topics considered taboo? How do we avoid tricky discussions? When and why do we stop asking questions?
    Addressing difficult topics with 'don't ask, don't tell.'

  • Changing times
    How does the role of religion change to suit our needs?
    How religion adapts and remains applicable in an ever-changing world.

Human biology
  • Truth and morality
    How do people establish moral codes? What is meant by 'absolute truth,' and why's it so elusive? What are the consequences of our belief in a higher standard of morality?
    What is 'absolute truth'? How do we define morality?

  • Forgiveness
    Why do we feel the burden of sin? How can our soul be cleansed? What happens when we forgive?
    How forgiveness and reconciliation bring us peace and spiritual cleansing.

  • Homosexuality
    What attitudes prevail in society? How do we assign a gender to a person?
    Criteria used to categorise individuals by gender.

  • Spirit realm
    How do dramatic physical changes take hold of congregations of people?
    Supernatural proofs of God's existence?

  • Biology & life
    How we define life in biological terms, how we perceive it from our human perspective, and why we quantify it in individual units.
    What is life?

  • Hierarchy of species
    Are human beings ranked higher than all other creatures? Are human lives intrinsically more valuable? Are we the only beings with a sense of morality? Has God given us this special status?
    Is our species superior to all others? Why, if so?

  • Mind and body
    What is the mind, exactly? How can the power of thought influence the rest of our body?
    Soul, body, mind, & spirit: What are they & where do they come from?

  • Consciousness
    What is consciousness? Is it a single, indivisible phenomenon? Does it exist in other species?
    The sense of being.

Human ability
  • Altruism
    How we can teach ourselves to do good for good's sake.
    How religion motivates us to help and love others.

  • Presentation
    Why high levels of confidence and persuasion can sway our judgment.
    Why presentation style and delivery persuades us independently of content.

  • Confabulation
    How do we react when we discover gaps in knowledge?
    People love to weave complex narratives.

  • Probability
    How confirmation bias and a capacity for pattern detection play a role in our belief systems.
    Too coincidental to be an accident? God, please send a sign.

  • Reckoning
    How do religious texts offer their words of wisdom just when we need it?
    Turning to the right page, the right text, at the right time.

  • Conviction
    Why confidence is attractive, and what happens when it wanes.
    Why some believers are fiercely devout, while others are indifferent.

  • Moral codes
    Where our moral codes comes from, how they're perpetuated, and why we observe similarities and differences in values across cultures.
    Where does our sense of right and wrong come from?

  • Partial truths
    How the overall picture gets misrepresented when we cherry pick only the facts that work in our favour.
    Why the presence of the truth is different from the presence of the whole truth.

  • Credulity
    The power of peer pressure, the reasons for belief, and the factors that lead us to accept dubious information.
    How we convince ourselves through logic and language.

  • Known/ Unknown
    What it means to be aware or remain oblivious of things that are known and unknown.
    Examining categories of knowledge and self-awareness.

  • Question evasion
    How we change the subject, talk fast, and use personality issues to dodge questions.
    Why it's so hard to get straight answers to questions about religion.

  • Spiritual health
    What factors do we use to gauge the strength of our relationship with God? Where do these standards come from?
    Are we walking together with God?

God's existence
  • Critical thinking
    What's the context of the argument? Who's making it? Are facts described accurately? What are the limitations of the assumptions?
    What questions should we ask, to assess the strength of an argument?

  • Scientific enquiry
    What criteria must scientific studies fulfil, before they are accepted?
    How rigorous evaluations are carried out in scientific research.

  • Rejecting facts
    What are some commonly-held disbeliefs among believers?
    When maintenance of one's beliefs requires suppression of knowledge.

  • Free will
    What is free will, and how does it apply in a religious context? How does it affect our chance of salvation?
    How could free will coexist with an omniscient God?

  • Purpose of life
    Why we strive to worship and glorify God, and obey His will.
    Why were we created?

  • Famous believers
    Why we quote Darwin, C. S. Lewis, and Francis Collins, and why we should be careful in doing so.
    Citing famous intellectuals, in support of religion.

  • Anti-science
    What happens when we take scepticism and suspicion to the extreme.
    How wrong-doing scientists erode public faith in science.

  • God's existence
    Premeditated design, the presence of life and the universe, and the existence of morality.
    Arguments offered for God's existence,

  • Scientific discoveries
    How scientific principles are established after intensive analysis and differ from intuitive observation and prediction-making.
    Examples of principles that are well-established or poorly-understood.

  • Emergence of complexity
    How do we define complexity and how is that related to our brain capacity?
    How does complexity arise?
    How complex systems evolve spontaneously from simple beginnings.

  • Unsolved mysteries
    Why we do not yet have all the answers? Do these gaps in our understanding necessitate a belief in God?
    Our horizons of knowledge expand continually.

  • Non-believers
    Why are people motivated to do good? What are the benefits and disadvantages of being guided by religious beliefs?
    What do atheists believe?

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